Saturday, July 27, 2024
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“Distinguished Seminars” com Nick Guldemond | 15 de novembro – Powered por Izasa Scientific | Universidade do Algarve


Sobre a palestra: (Re)design of health systems from a technology enabled person oriented integrated care perspective. What role co-creation could play in the development, implementation and up-scaling of integrated care models and what kind of infrastructure and requirements are needed to make this work. Concrete examples with lessons learned will be provide from different countries, cultures and settings. During the presentation, different perspectives from a patient, provider, and policy as well as financial/business and technological angle shall addressed for reflection with the audience.


Sobre o palestrante: Nick Guldemond is currently Associate Professor Integrated Care and Technology at The Institute of Health Policy & Management Erasmus University. He is advisor for the Dutch House of Representatives and board member of the Innovative Medical Device Initiative and member of the commission on the national eHealth implementation agenda.

He is coordinator of EIP-AHA A2 Action Group Falls Prevention and associated with thematic networks ProFouND, E-NO-FALLS. Nick was trained in Engineering (electric engineering) and medicine (clinical physiology). He worked at various universities and hospitals as researcher, coordinator and principal investigator in projects regarding healthcare innovation, medical technology and eHealth. As founder and CEO of the ‘Medical Field Lab’ he received great acknowledgement for creating business through public private partnerships by the Ministry of Economical Affairs. He obtained his PhD with a focus on orthopaedic complications due to diabetes in 2008.


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